MU IDEAS Foundation (MU Ideas) is a startup incubator of University of Mumbai established to nurture a start-up culture that encourages innovative ideas; transform novel concepts into practical industry solutions and viable businesses.
University of Mumbai through MU Ideas Foundation Incubation Centre which is supported by Maharashtra State Innovation Society organised a One Day Seminar on “Grant Launching ofStartup Clinics & Entrepreneurship as a Career”on 13th August 2024 from 10.30 am to 5.00 pm at Green Technology Auditorium, University of Mumbai, VidyaNagari, Kalina , Santcruz (E) Mumbai
The event was presided over by Prof (Dr) Ravindra D Kulkarni, Hon Vice Chancellor Mumbai University, and it was also attended by Prin (Dr) Ajay M.Bhamare, Hon Pro Vice Chancellor Mumbai University.
The event was attended by HOD of Pharmaceutical Chemistry department, Dr.SunitaGagare ,SDDVCP&RC. The letter of acceptance for Incubation centre at our college was handed over to Dr.SunitaGagare.