IQAC Objectives

IQAC Objectives
About IQAC
According to the guidelines given by NAAC, our college established Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and _______ is working as a coordinator of IQAC. Various policies related to quality education and infrastructural development are created and executed through IQAC. The IQAC Committee has been formed as per NAAC recommendations for IQAC Constitution. Our IQAC is a full functioning body.
In pursuance Action Plan for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, the meetings of IQAC has been conducted periodically and Proceeding of meetings are well maintained. The Action Taken Report (ATR) has been prepared at the end of every academic year. The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) has been prepared and submitted to NAAC Office, Bangalore in stipulated time period in every year.
Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of the institution’s system and work towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions. For this purpose, during the post-accreditation period, it has channelized all efforts and measures of the institution towards promoting its holistic academic excellence.
Objectives of IQAC:
- To aim for being a ‘College with Excellence’
- To achieve academic and administrative excellence
- Creating a student-centric atmosphere for holistic learning
- To develop stronger Industry-Academia relation for benefit of staff and students
- To promote Interdisciplinary and collaborative research
- To enhance the quality of staff by promoting and encouraging overall faculty development
- To aim for International collaborations and International programs
- To enhance Infrastructure for Teaching-Learning and Administration
- Analysis of current trends
- Current needs of the education field
- Continuous improvement in teaching-learning and evaluation
- Use of latest technology for the betterment of students
- Social affairs and their impact on education
- Institutional Social responsibility
- Appropriate decision-making
- Effective implementation of the plans.
IQAC Guidelines:
The guidelines will guide and facilitate the institution in the creation and operation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). The work of the IQAC is the first step towards internalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement initiatives. Its success depends upon the sense of belongingness and participation it can inculcate in all the constituents of the institution. It will not be yet another hierarchical structure or a record-keeping exercise in the institution. It will be a facilitative and participative voluntary system/unit/organ of the institution. It has the potential to become a vehicle for ushering in quality enhancement by working out planned interventionist strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality like the “Quality Circles” in industries.
IQAC Activities:
IQAC works towards improving and sustaining the quality education, identifying and suggesting new ways of using teaching aids, developing suitable infra-structure and providing suggestions to start new courses. The IQAC has been also thoroughly involved in helping the Management, the Principal and the other committees by offering valuable suggestions and effective measure to maintain consistency. IQAC, design the developmental plans for the college. Various stakeholders such as HoDs, faculty members provide suggestions for continuous improvement. Teachers training are given priority and therefore several teachers are sent for faculty development programmes time to time. For pedagogical upliftment, IQAC of the college conducts a special orientation programme for newly appointed teachers. Teacher performance is critically assessed by the management through the academic diary, institutional API and result analysis.
IQAC Practices:
- IQAC encourages and motivates Teachers and Students to actively participate in research activities. The practices are:
- UGC and University Circulars pertaining to research are displayed on the Notice Board for students and staff notice file.
- With the help of the UGC grant, efforts have been made to develop research infrastructure like laboratories, advanced equipment, modern ICT gadgets, access to electronic learning materials etc.
- IQAC and the library committee has provided unique user ID and password for accessing NLIST site that offers e-Books and e- Journals in full text form.
- Teachers are encouraged to pursue their PhD work.
- Teachers who have completed their Ph.D., are felicitated by the Teachers’ Council & the Governing Body of the College. It also emphasizing upon faculty members to publish research papers in reputed Journals.