Fees Structure

Fees Structure
Approved Format for Computation of Fees for A.Y. 2025-26
This fee is subject to final revision of fee from Shikshan Shulka Samiti, Mumbai. As per Information Brochure regarding fees prescribed in Un-Aided Pharmacy colleges, student will have to pay the fee for the current academic year, as decided by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti, Mumbai for this institute.
Student must have to pay the additional fee in case of any further increase in fee for the current academic year as per the final revision of fee declared by the Shikshan Shulka Samiti, Mumbai. This additional increase in fee will have to be paid by the student within prescribed period as mentioned by this institute. Admitted candidate will have to submit an undertaking regarding the same, at the time of admission.
Fee concession
Fee concession will be applicable for SC/ST/NT/SBC/OBC/EBC/PTC/STC category as per the rules mentioned in DTE MHTCET brochure for the candidates who admitted in Government Quota only and not applicable for the candidates who admitted in Institute / Minority Quota.
- The fees paid by the candidate will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- In case the candidate wants to discontinue before completion of the course, or wants to seek transfer to any other college, he/she shall have to forfeit the fees (non-refundable) prescribed for all the remaining years i.e. for the entire course.
- Fees will have to be paid as per State Govt. norms prescribed from time to time.
- College fees, University fee or other fees and all other payments shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Principal, Shri D.D. Vispute College of Pharmacy & Research Center, Mumbai, payable at Mumbai.
- All the students must possess the official receipts of all payments till completion of the course.
- Fees have to be remitted to Bank under respective heads mentioned earlier, within a week’s time after declaration of University / Board results; otherwise the student will not be allowed to continue the course.
- Cancellation of admission and refund of fees shall be as per DTE, Mumbai, norms.
For Government Quota / Minority Quota / Institute level seats : At the time of admission, the student will have to pay as per final fees approved by Fees regulatory Authority for the academic year 2023-24.