Going Green & Continuing another Week of preserve our ecosystem by Mangroves Clean Up Drive….!!!
Joining hands for a greener tomorrow! NSS volunteers in collaboration with Rotarct club participated in a mangrove cleaning drive, collecting trash and restoring the beauty of nature.
Every small action counts, and together we can make a big difference! Under the guidance of “Environment Life Foundation” in the Karave, Nerul, Navi Mumbai continue to work together to preserve our ecosystem and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come!
We Thank Hon. Dr. Ashish Jain Sir, Principal and Hon. Shri. Dhanraj Vispute Sir, Chairman & Hon. Mrs. Sangeeta Vispute Madam, Secretary Adarsh Group of Institute for giving us this new exposure & Learning.
#Mangrove Cleaning#GoGreen #Sustainability